Our Recipient Charities

Good Neighbour
Website: goodneighbour.co.nz
Tel: 07 394 4249
Good Neighbour is helping bring the 'neighbour' back into neighbourhoods in Tauranga. Good Neighbour offers our community a hand up, not a hand out, encouraging them to work towards goals that enrich their lives and to give back to their community.
Support offered:
- Food rescue, where they collect and redistribute food that is good enough to eat but not good enough to sell. This food is distributed to over 70 organisations in the Bay of Plenty who then connect with the people they support.
- Urban mahi, where it’s all about practical help and manpower. This team organises neighbourhood projects, provides firewood and coordinates the community gardens in Bethlehem.
- The Good Neighbour Kitchen is about educating and mentoring students, volunteers and community members to use food on hand to create nutritious meals, minimising food waste to landfill.
- The Care team offers tailored support to people in our community who are in challenging life circumstances or even in crisis. By addressing their immediate needs, it can help uncover deeper issues and assist them with goal setting, connect them to our network, encourage them to grow their own capabilities and inspire them to thrive.
Donate Now
Good Neighbour has set up a Community Group Fund with the Acorn Foundation. You can help them to grow this fund to ensure that they receive a continuous income stream in the future.