Our Recipient Charities

NZ Council of Victim Support Groups Inc.

NZ Council of Victim Support Groups Inc.

Website: www.victimsupport.org.nz

Tel: 0800 842 846

NZ Council of Victim Support provides a range of crucial support & advisory services to victims of crime, trauma & loss as they cope through some traumatic times. Their Support Workers offer a single point of contact for all the victim’s needs for as long as they require, often for months and sometimes years following an incident. They aim to help to make our communities more compassionate, and more accessible as they help people to get through the most challenging times of their lives. They provide support when re-integrated into the community through a way which is healthy for them, their family, and others in their lives and neighbourhoods. 

The NZ Council of Victim Support provides support through Support Workers travelling to the victims they support, in their homes, at the scene of an incident, at the local Police Station, local hospital or the District Court.

They provide a 24/7 crisis response; information, advice, & emotional support to people affected by crime, serious trauma & suicide; support in court & at restorative justice meetings; safety planning & support for at risk families; financial assistance for counselling & court participation; advocacy & liaison with Police & the Courts; practical assistance after a sudden death, suicide or homicide; and referral to the specialised homicide, suicide & family violence support services where necessary. These services are available seven days a week, including a 24-hour emergency service. 

